people don't know what's loud. I have owned both Kicker CVX and MTX TS8512 none of those are loud, alpine type R's which I got for my first set up is still not loud. If you want to shake the whole car got go some thing on my list.
RE audio XXX (2000 RMS) or MT (2000 watts RMS)
Fi audio BTL N2 (2000 RMS) or N3 (3000 RMS)
Sundown audio nighshade (1500 RMS) underrated
DD audio 9500 (2500 RMS) or Z series (unknown) over 90 pound woofer.
DC audio XL (1500 RMS) or level 5 (2000 RMS) underrated
Orion HCCA (2000 RMS) underrated
SSA audio Xcon (1750 RMS) or Zcon (2250 RMS) underrated
Incriminator audio deathpenality (1500 RMS) underrated
T3 audio TSNS (2000 RMS)
Ground Zero audio nuclear series ( 1700 to 2000 watts RMS)
Audioque HDC3 (1000 RMS) way underrated
Candence audio DCX (1500 RMS)
MMat Juggernaut (1500 RMS) underrated
Ascendant Audio mayhem (2500 RMS) or signature series (3000 RMS) underrated
All of those woofers can handle more than 1500 watts RMS per subwoofer, plus you might be under them, if you have the cash for it get 2 of them put in your car. Will shake the car and the houses from 3 blocks away, by using 2 of them 12inch, thinking about getting my second woofer already 1500 RMS is not loud enough for me to get pulled over, still police pull you over for that, but is not loud to shake a police car near you. LOL, got be able to shake the hell out of a police car near by.