TJ Horst
2011-07-23 17:33:33 UTC
By the way my subs are currently wired at 2 ohms. I was going to get my Fi's at 2 ohms also. If you have any reasons or ideas about different ohm age i.e. ( better sound, or more SPL) then please throw that in also. Price is no object so let me know what you think.
The last thing I wanted to figure out what my current box was tuned to. And how to tune the box for my Fi's to about 35-32hz.
This is the box that I currently have. Thanks for any help.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1292&bih=651&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8075165389196416810&sa=X&ei=0GcrTu-SGa3_sQKS3unJCw&ved=0CIIBEPMCMAI#ps-sellers