The answer to your question lays mainly on your budget, which should include installation and accessories required for the install.
The way a sub-bass system works is as follows. Your head unit, whether OEM or aftermarket, will feed a signal to the amplifier. The amplifier will clean that signal and only allow sub-bass frequencies to be "amplified" which you hear through the subwoofer speaker.
If you want insane bass, you want the RMS Watt factor of each component (the amplifier and the subwoofer speaker) to be relatively similar and high, around 600+, ignore the Max Watt Factor. This is where budget comes in place, as you will see.
I recommend getting two 12" in Dual Voice Coil (DVC) subwoofers that are 4 ohms each Voice Coil. My suggestion is going with SoloBaric X. Then get a ported box, suggested for those speakers ONLY, which could fit inside your trunk. You could get a sealed box, but if you do the box will be much larger then a ported box. Measure your trunk, that could be a determining factor.
Then I recommend wiring the subs in parallel so you could have the 4 ohms DVC dropped to 2 ohms , then those two subs wired in parallel so you will have a final 1 ohm Load. This is very important because you need an amp that can handle a 1 ohm load, so do your research. Get a Mono-Block Amplifier that is 1 ohm stable and its RMS is higher then that of the two subs, rule of thumb, double if possible, but at least 25% more.
Key items to note:
You do not need an aftermarket radio unless you want full control of the bass.
Get a minimum 4 gauge amp kit ( I recommend 2 for the above, but 4 if you only using 1 sub)
Set the Amplifier's Target Voltage (see its owner's manual or youtube)
If the lights dim or car's RPM's drop during a heavy bass song, get a capacitor or 2nd batter near the system with a battery isolator
Try to dynamat the trunk if possible
Good Luck and I hope I was able to help you.