You do not always match color for color. You need the key to the car harness:
1988 Honda Accord Car Radio Wiring Diagram
Car Radio Battery Constant 12v+ Wire: White/Yellow
Car Radio Accessory Switched 12v+ Wire: Yellow/Red
Car Radio Ground Wire: Black
Car Radio Illumination Wire: Red/Black
Car Stereo Dimmer Wire: N/A
Car Stereo Antenna Trigger Wire: Yellow/White
Car Stereo Cell Phone Mute Wire: N/A
Car Stereo Amp Trigger Wire: N/A
Car Stereo Amplifier Location: N/A
Car Audio Front Speakers Size: 5 1/4″ Speakers
Car Audio Front Speakers Location: Doors
Left Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): Blue/Green
Left Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Gray/Black
Right Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): Red/Green
Right Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Brown/Black
Car Audio Rear Speakers Size: 6 1/2″ Speakers
Car Audio Rear Speakers Location: Rear Deck
Left Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Blue/Yellow
Left Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Gray/White
Right Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Red/Yellow
Right Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Brown/White
Then you need to match the function (not the color) to the key for the stereo you bought and are installing. There may be functions on the radio and or car that are not going to be used. For example some cars have a power antenna but not all after market systems have an out put for this. Stock radios often are tied into the lighting system, after market radios are not.