Wow, that was long.
If the point of origin were critical in the subwoofer region mono amps never would have come to the market.
Bass is as much of a "feel" as it is a sound - it is all around. It doesn't need to function in terms of L and R to sound natural.
Stereo seperation is critical to good sound everywhere that isn't sub-bass.
Most people consider a mono amp ideal to power multiple subs because if there are stereo differences between subs they can actually work to cancel each other out slightly.
"resistance and independence"? I think you meant "impedance".
Typically a pair of 4 ohm subs would be more useful given today's sub amps that usually function best at 2 or 1 ohm. The svc 4's would be wired in parallel for 2 ohms which would match them up well with many smallish mono amps.
The 8's wouldn't be that practical IMO. I guess a pair of them would work with a bridged 2 ch (parallel wiring resulting in 4 ohms).
With a pair of comp's I'd recommend amp power of 300-400w rms.
No advantage to using a kicker amp w/kicker subs.
For a 400w rms amp you'd want an 8 awg amp wiring kit.
Installer will have wiring, but I would expect them to charge you quite a bit more than what you can find a decent kit for online.
I would try to disable the stock sub if there is one.