"since I'm not mounting the subs"
What, are you just going to set them in your back seat with the HU running them?
Please don't do that.
There's ghetto, then there's completely hopeless.
Doing that would make you completely hopeless.
The enclosure the sub is in is almost equally as important as running it with a good amp, but both are important, and you're doing neither.
Wait - save more money.
On the dirt cheap side - a sub/amp/enclosure combo that works and is worth your time is going to cost $150-$200.
Plus - why two? Just get one decent sub, a decent amp and a decent enclosure. Going with two just means more space taken up, twice the cost on the subs, and more cost because it will take more powerful amp to run them.
Erik - you can't ruin a sub with HU power. It would never EVER happen. And you don't clip voice coils. You clip the outputs of the amplifier.
The reason clipping can lead to damaged speakers is because clipping IS power. A fully clipped amp can produce theoretically 2x it's maximum unclipped power. So if you have a 10 or 20w amp running a 100w speaker it's still only going to get 20-40w even if the amp is clipped to the point that the original signal is completely lost to distortion.