you will however have to buy a map for Europe from TomTom's website at
the complete European map is over 2400MB, more then the 2000MB on the EASE, thus you can't install it (it is not possible to install only a part of a map)
it would only cost 10$ more then a partial map, but not an option :(
those are the (generic) instructions to update / add maps via internet
basically, you have to
- install TomTom Home (if you haven't done it yet)
(7 is same as vista)
just have a look at the tomtom questions on Yahoo! Answer to see how many ppl didn't do that and ended up with a non-working device & no way back. a backup (on your PC) will very likely help you recover is something goes badly wrong (or simply restore your TomTom to its current state (US maps) once back from your trip)
- copy your US maps off your TomTom onto your PC
(you only have 2GB of internal memory, which is only enough for the US; unless you choose to buy & add only the map for a small (European) country, you won't have enough space
- if you didn't do so already, you will have to create an account @ TomTom; this allows you to login on the web site & buy maps; then you can login on your PC (in TomTom Home) and download the maps directly onto the TomTom.
when back from your trip you could copy the European map(s) off your TomTom onto your PC before putting the US maps back on it, so you could use them again for a future trip.