There is no product that restores failing head gaskets. The only fix for that is actual replacement of the gasket. But having water droplets come from the tailpipe does not mean you have a gasket problem. Here is what I would do to check for problems:
1)Check your coolant level. If you have a problem with your gasket, you would be spitting out whiteish smoke from your tailpipe, not water droplets. And will drain your coolant level fairly quick. And while you have the cap off, check for any oil droplets. This is a SURE sign of gasket doom.
2)Check the oil CONDITION. Not the level. Check to see if the oil seems a bit too thin (i.e. watery)
3)Do a compression check. This is done by removing the spark plug and putting a gauge in its place, then crank the engine. All 8 cylinders should be w/in the same range.
If you exhibit problems from all of the above, the gaskets are suspect.
Water droplets, on the other hand, can be found comming out of many different vehicles tailpipes, mainly due to condensation and such, nothing mechanically wrong.