I am pretty familiar with car audio but cant figure this one out and hoping you can. I currently have my cooler radio hooked up to my car stereo with 4 6x9s powered by a 12 volt sealed lawn mower battery. My question is I want to put a cool little system in my softball backpack to hear jams nice and loud hooked up to a car stereo and 1 6x9. The 12 volt lawn mower battery weighs about 18 pounds and trying to see if I can power a car stereo that wont weigh down my backpack so much maybe 6 or 7 pounds at max. I know that I wont hear music as long but oh well. I have hooked my d cells battery to it but it just dies quick and gets expensive. . I have seen some backpack radio’s but they have tiny little speakers. Or if you can offer any suggestions