It is not about being the right antenna or not. There are many different kinds of CB antennas, and there are different capabilities with each one. Some broadcast & receive MUCH better than others do. But you shold also know about adjusting the SWR's. The top part of the antenna is adjustable, and MOST times it WILL need to be adjusted, to where you can not only send your signal to other CB radios further away, but it will help you to also RECEIVE other CB'ers signals better also.There is normally a little set screw, and most antennas come with the Allen wrench to adjust the top part of the antenna. Some antennas even have two set screws, but that is unlikely with such an inexpensive antenna as the one you showed in your post. I used to help brand new CB'ers in my area that I ran across, to adjust their SWR's so they would transmit & receive much better than they would have. But part of the reason it is so important to have it set correctly is because you can actually "burn up" one or more components in the CB radio if the SWR's are not set at least close to where they should be, and it can happen fast enough, for those that do not know about that adjustment. The adjustment usually needs to be made with the antenna on the vehicle, to where it has a good ground to the vehicle. Otherwise you cannot make the adjustment properly. Hopefully you will be able to run across someone that has an SWR meter to help you adjust it, or adjust it for you.
I used to love the fact that I made a lot of friends that way on the CB, by helping those that could not understand why nobody was hearing them, unless they were VERY close to where they were located with their car. Sometimes when the SWR's areway off, you will be lucky to be heard at all any greater of a distance than a couple of miles. But when they are set right, with a decent antenna, often times you can talk with others several miles away or longer, depending on atmospheric conditions. I used to have a nice setup with my antenna, and often talked with others one or two towns away from me, about 8-10 miles in any direction. I hope this helps you. But even more, I hope you can find someone that can help you by setting the SWR's for your antenna.