Good 4 Channel Amp
Good front speakers - 2 channels
Good sub - bridge the other 2 channels
8 gauge wring kit -
I used to buy very average speakers, flipping from one brand to the next, then i invested in some Morel Tempo 6 speakers (retail around £180-190) real speakers, and have never looked. So in real terms although the initial outlay was more, its actually stopped my buying other gear.
captaincable is well known for selling Morel Tempo speakers on the cheap (realistically i should be telling you this) ... He ships on Fridays only if my memory serves me right.
Final word on Morel: I bought some Vibe components and in comparison to my Morel Tempo speakers, the Vibes sounded so c%*p that after a few days i ripped them back out and stuck the Morel Tempo 6 speakers back in ... that's how good Morel is!
DLS are forever winning EMMA SQ (Sound Quality) awards. Retail under £100 (the Morels retail for £180) DLS are by far and away the best sounding speakers I've ever owned!
Forget about big figures when it comes to subwoofers at this level, for various reasons, in real terms it counts for nothing. I understand you want a sub with a built in amp to get you going. Personally I'd get on ebay and bid for a separate JL Audio subs and amp for a sub stage set up.
BTW, just to let you know, I build enclosures, and i replaced my 12" Digital Designs (competition subwoofer brand) with a 6.5" subwoofer from Hybrid Audio I6SW
And here's what PWK Designs (Peter W. Kulicki) did with the 6.5" subwoofer. i didn't believe it, os i bought one myself, and these little things hit hard! - You;'ve gotta watch this!
wiring kit
The only issue I had with the pre-package wiring kit is that the RCA cable would always give way. So I invested in some 5m QED cable
I know I might have over stretched your budget by a few pounds, but i've given what i feel is the best advice. best of luck my friend :).